
lǐ shēng

意思解释:(The ceremony is unripe)司礼者。旧时常以称祭祀时在旁提唱起、跪、叩首之仪者。




Emcee. is of Liu of bridge book · passed : Complain  in vain always Zha of crotch  Ru knocks at Sui of A of  of grave   ! of  of ù of cut of ぢ of Luo of analyse of small poisonous business the temple is civilized unripe Meng Zhen, long at its thing, great gift of every good or ill luck, ceremony official cannot be amounted to, rate visit true. is children hero passed the 28th: Does Hong of this ┏ chasm to bring up arrange pa grey Ji Я of Chang of  of Yan Yao of miserly of Hui  You revive shipboard of  aning enclosure for storing grain ah  of crotch  accept

