
shì cí

意思解释:(Oath)起誓的言词,誓言。 誓言。 古代约束告戒将士的言辞。


誓言:入党~牢记~他庄重地在台上宣读了~。誓言 shìyán★“誓词”指在正式场合宣誓时宣读的话,多要形成书面材料。“誓言”指发誓或宣誓的话语,可以是正式的或非正式的,如说“心里立下誓言、她的誓言并不见什么宏论…


Oath: Short for Weihe River of Yun field  just ★ of N of á of Y of ì of H of  of difficult bath of J of  of bright excuse me of  of idle of ㄉ of straightforward advice of divinatory symbols of an ancient nationality in China of    oath point to the word in the read out when formal circumstance makes a pledge, want to form written material more. Oath point to the speech that pledge or makes a pledge, can be formal or informal, if say next oath, her oath stands not to see what intelligent view in the heart...

