
yáng chē

意思解释:(Ovine car)古代一种装饰精美的车子。 宫中用羊牵引的小车。《晋书·后妃传上·胡贵嫔》:“﹝晋武帝﹞常乘羊车,恣其所之,至便宴寝。宫人乃取竹叶插户,以盬汁洒地,而引帝车。”《南史·后妃传上·潘淑妃》亦载此,则以为潘淑妃事。后常以羊车降临表示宫人得宠;不见羊车表示宫怨。 小车。




Gongzhongyi plants ancient time make fancy car. does area of · of history of the Song Dynasty take keep in mind one : Carry Hui breed of  of  of bridle of  of Bo of surname of  phut  carries  Wan weed! Wan of K small house complains handkerchief of  of stitch the sole to the upper of  of rancorring  of ÷ of far  of Wan of Su of a surname of  of  associate Hui to protect Jie of Zhe of  pregnant Jia! Some idle of  of hail Zi blood clam!  of ず of Luo of  of superintend and director smalls suitcase gauze  car of sheep of Chang Cheng of 〕 of emperor of 〔 Jin Wu, stop to informal dinner.

