
biān bì

意思解释:(Border Region currency)陕甘宁、晋察冀、冀热辽等边区政府银行在抗日战争和解放战争时期所发行的纸币。




Period of the War of Resistance Against Japan and war of liberation, what the place of bank of border area government such as Shan Ganning issues is soft. 1941 Mao Zedong the study that transforms us : Ы of the aether that boil  drips  of Yao of ū of head of fluid of murder of disclose of dainty of deceive barren Fu compares shelfing  of lowing U of dainty of Fu of barren of arm of lie   shine  standing tall and upright carries Fei of sex of  of  of attentively Ji Piao on the back to show an extensive location to enter  of discharge of calamity of  of P harmonious Hui serve muchs! Thin

