
xíng zhě

意思解释:(The person that go)出行的人。 佛教语。即“头陀”。行脚乞食的苦行僧人;又指方丈的侍者及在寺院服杂役尚未剃发的出家者:泛指修行佛道之人:《西游记》中孙悟空的别名。 佛教语。方丈的侍者,及在寺院服杂役尚未剃发的出家者。




(1) gives the person of travel or go out for a battle. is the left Xi that pass · fair 28 years : The core that bring wave lures of Ya of Yan of Lu   not to have ~ , whose defend herd ans enclosure for storing grain (factotum is taken in 2) Buddha temple and not of the person that tonsure becomes a monk or nun appellative. record before Wen Jian roll 19: Bamboo-plaited basket or suitcase of  of deer of  of ⒏ of  of  of dry moat outside a city wall of  of  of bully river small  shakes! 3) points to the monk that beg of travel far and wide feeds, also weigh Buddhist monk.

