
dài lì

意思解释:(Dai Li)戴斗笠。形容清贫。 人名。(西元1897~1946)​谱名春风,字雨农,浙江江山人。黄埔军校第六期毕业,历任军事委员会调查统计局局长、财政部缉私署署长、战时货运管理局局长、中美特种技术合作所所长。驰骋军中,于情报侦察,屡建奇功。以飞机失事殉难,政府明令褒扬并公葬。




Week point is clime written down : Put down of food of  of scar of glad of  of bluff of illicit of meat and fish dishes of Jiao of  of cherry of situation of month of young of bully put down of T of  of Γ of  of divide evenly of constant  cheese ' dear although take a car,I wear a large bamboo hat, day meets after get off bow with hands clasped to; I walk, jun Cheng horse, meet the other day gentleman instantly ' , character is handed in not with gentle and simple change also. hind with Dai Li the old friend that points to poor and lowly. Kong Pingzhong send Zhang Tianjiao poetic:

