jǐn qín
意思解释:(Sincerely diligent)谓殷勤关注。谨,通“勤”。
[go up] sincerely: Careful. Disaster: Disaster. Work keep one's eyes peeled, can avoid court disaster. Qi Min wants art order : Force can get the better of deficient, can get the better of disaster sincerely. [below] diligent: Make a determined effort, assiduous. Clumsy: Not address, awakward. Diligent effort can make up for congenital clumsiness. ◆ also is made can fill frequently clumsy . Shao Yong of · of the Song Dynasty the chant that get a pen ...
谨组词、勤组词、 班迎、采暖、拜访、利便、澄辉、惕隐、俎拒、遇礼、奶牛、飒然、旧劳、冠蝉、民鱼、畴庸、劫运、苦因、沙棠、押送、傒狗、谨勤、