wén shàn
意思解释:(Wen Shan)谓闻知善言善行。语本《孟子·尽心上》“舜之居深山之中,与木石居,与鹿豕游,其所以异于深山之野人者几希;及其闻一善言,见一善行,若决江河,沛然莫之能御也。”
Help up drunk 3 pole day, problem poem grinds dust. Get together the door taking snow, the well that cast administer gives birth to liver mosses. Wait for so that become Qiu Long, who can raise whose wine cup cup. Bank of Chang Yinghuang chrysanthemum, disappointed looks at Bai Yi. ...
闻组词、善组词、 唧筒、瓜饮、仪极、动员、中保、调话、篁径、刻减、阙短、穴觑、痔漏、恋枕、风灯、蔽锢、医务、滴滴、推收、见告、偏倍、闻善、