jí tuán
意思解释:(Group)为了共同的利益或目的而组织起来的团体。 指机关、团体、企业、事业等社会单位。参见“集团购买力”。
为某目标、利益而合作行动的集体:组成~几大企业~正铆足了劲互相竞争。团体 tuán tǐ★ “集团”范围较大,指共同行动的组织。“团体”突出单位或多数人,如说“团体购票、排练团体操”。…
The collective: that for some target, interest collaboration acts M of of conspicuous of crack with teeth in mouth of ハ of ⒒ of department of Lin of of of of idle of large bamboo hat of answer earnest of mallet umbrella dish of ★ of ǐ of T of of N of á of Sui U group range is bigger, point to the organization of joint operation. Organization outstanding unit or most person, if say the organization buys organization of ticket, rehearse to hold . ...
集组词、团组词、 热厥、折合、伤挫、篷厂、冰袋、嘉好、自罪、野方、合目、初食、负耉、马容、谨厚、沃埜、见伏、底丽、麻菲、掩疵、丰蠲、集团、