ěr qí
意思解释:(Ear is neat)谓凭听觉调整。
[出处]《后汉书·刘盆子列传》。[释义]樊崇率领刘盆子及丞相以下的官兵向刘秀投降,把脱下的铠甲与兵器等堆放在宜阳城西门,多得竟然和附近的熊耳山一般高。[用法]形容军队获胜,缴获甚多。[常用形式]积甲 积甲齐熊耳 甲齐熊…
[Provenance] biographies of Liu Penzi of · of book of the later Han dynasty . [Paraphrase] Fan Chong leads the officers and soldiers under Liu Penzi and prime minister to surrender to Liu Xiu, wait for the armor that takes off and enginery pile up in appropriate in relief city on the west the door, the many mix actually Xiong Er hill around is general tall. [Usage] appearance army wins victory, capture is very much. [Commonly used form] accumulate Jia Jijia to rebuke ear armour rebukes together together...
耳组词、齐组词、 松髯、人使、宫扆、纵情、恃屺、忠贤、追缉、班荀、促织、栖山、亲校、灵物、陵官、木棍、插队、慕从、梯轿、阴狱、前星、耳齐、