chǔ gòng
意思解释:(Hunan tribute)《左传·僖公四年》载,齐伐楚,管仲责楚不向周室纳贡苞茅,曰:“尔贡苞茅不入,王祭不共,无以缩酒,寡人是征。”茅,指菁茅。后因以“楚贡”称菁茅。亦泛指贡物。
Maple leaf desolate goes to ferry between desolate, face Qi sleeve touch towel. 1000 peaks white wild goose meets put in a guest 's charge, 3 diameter chrysanthemum awaits host. Sima Yuanyou much nature science, similar can endow with Yi Gan deficient. While in high spirits of can of Xiao Xiangchi wall, recall Er to should know fall asleep frequency. ...
楚组词、贡组词、 名贤、遒进、谦志、魪品、低密、冲淡、腻柳、照护、辩画、交便、草坪、罪俳、攻剖、税场、赝托、攒队、西冥、短话、吐诉、楚贡、