xū shèng
意思解释:(Empty is gotten the better of)指精微的道理。 谓好虚誉。
夫兵形象水:水之行,避高而趋下;兵之胜,避实而击虚。(《虚实》)鉴 赏陈启天注:“兵形象水,谓兵形似水形也。水之为形,高地则避之,低地则趋之,所以便于流行也。兵之为形,亦犹是也。敌之实者则避之,敌之虚者则击之,所以便于取胜…
: of water of husband army image of be favored with of lofty of of school provides dinner for Bing Zhisheng, avoid solid and attack theory. (false or true ) does appreciate Chen Qitian note: Does of award of of of scepter of ammoniac cochlea with a buzz attack does of danger of of of of ill 1 of favour of Zou of Wen of the member that does of danger of of of of K of my disease knock at of of Pie of divinatory symbols Ji to steal of of of children's hair of divinatory symbols Qiu having enough with a chirp drip and disease Hui of of lineal descent of of 5 elder brother
虚组词、胜组词、 躐除、裁铰、拆借、楼阁、刻臂、闲钱、毛施、徇齐、转粮、蟠蛇、愤厉、帝屋、衣缨、昭述、大府、朱梁、汗羞、逼涂、机世、虚胜、