gù bì
意思解释:(Solid needs)语出《论语·子罕》:“毋必,毋固。”本指固执坚持,不可变通。后引申为一定,必然。
Obstinate and do not know flexible. Language piece · of the analects of confucius child rarely not meaning, not need, wu Gu, not I . hold Chinese hackberrya in the arms child · fine Zuo : Make smooth with a rake to read of Ta of to bring up of of Pao of Zheng of stalk of our good Mou kills sexual Qu small! Thin
固组词、必组词、 家丑、贿单、赞元、木辂、诀去、降叛、咏沼、梳裹、宝迹、玉锸、文斗、生口、赶座、朝参、锡飞、喜誉、镜槛、狗窃、走样、固必、