
chán láo

意思解释:(Greedy fatigue)见“馋痨”。




Does Zhu Ben receive: Cling to  of shank of   Chang! the 405th page) on the west travel notes the 25th: Unplug De Lan of lowing ⑼ of hawk of dirty Σ of Sun of wild limit E is able to bear or endure dry up is 2 quarter strike the table amazed roll 3: Unplug buy of Wen of Jing of cure of  of approach of dim glow of the setting sun of neck of reel silk from cocoons of tuft of iridium collect Sun melt  of peptone of confused Xu of end of  of illicit Zhui Ying makes fun of  eat Gui he makes so as to save of sufferring from  a lot of greedy fatigue larynx go out urgently.

