jiàng yī
意思解释:(Crimson garment)深红色衣服。古代军服常用绛色。
Cardinal dress, lofty cap. Point to the dress of archaic general. Crimson , cardinal; coronal , hat. smooth Wu Diji of · of book of the later Han dynasty : of grave of Lian of the foot of mountain of of jalf congealed of biconcave crusty pancake jumps sincerely thick person Yi Fu does it, install oneself a bit therefore. note: The person that of Le of bank lowing team uses up Fen old hat calls of military officer coronal. is Dong Guanhan written down say: Grand of little debate
绛组词、衣组词、 隔错、玉字、驯乌、勑葬、肥羜、稻稌、春旱、嫡妻、花文、赤衷、补台、坏腹、愀如、畚筑、专道、害理、擢削、含和、獭祭、绛衣、