mèng zǐ
意思解释:(Mencius)春秋时通行以孟仲叔季的排行加在姓名前作称呼。如宋国子姓,其长女嫁给他国的多称“孟子”。《左传·隐公元年》:“惠公元妃孟子。”杜预注:“子,宋姓。”孔颖达疏:“孟仲叔季,兄弟姊妹长幼之别字也。孟、伯俱长也……妇人以字配姓,故称孟子。”又讳言同姓通婚,亦称与国君同姓的夫人为“孟子”。 战国时著名思想家、政治家、教育家。名轲,字子舆。其言行被编为《孟子》一书。
End criterion pay attention to one's own moral uplift without thought of others, amount to (understand) hold the world of be apt to concurrently. on Mencius · with one one's heart unplug one Mao Erli the world, do not be also. on Mencius · with one one's heart Confucius is ascended east hill and Xiaolu, ascend a father-in-law and small the world. the first month...
孟组词、子组词、 孤证、金扉、拂绰、立僵、习仪、寒啬、暒晏、宫宅、放郑、隳引、俭德、载质、遍野、滞血、浚泻、在舟、急卒、噗通、改涂、孟子、