mǎ qiú
意思解释:(Polo)球类运动项目之一。与我国古代的击鞠相似。比赛分二队,每队四人,前锋后卫各二。球场长方形,运动员骑马,用藤柄带木拐的曲棒把球击入对方球门为胜。指马球运动所用的球。藤根制成。 指马球运动所用的球。藤根制成。
One of ball games projects, field is 300 meters long, 200 meters wide or 160 meters. The match distributes a line, every team 4 people. Athlete horseback, the abduct club that takes wooden turn with cany handle hits the ball into the goal of the other side, much person to get the better of. The ball that ② polo motion uses. ...
马组词、球组词、 伤瘢、雅笑、同纽、大蓬、须要、郁悰、贻责、元憝、旺年、女事、冒碰、远旧、凶终、瘕疾、世雄、畀予、边词、京白、干剧、马球、