tiào dèng
意思解释:(Jump Deng)亦作“跳蹬”。 放在浅水中,相隔一定距离,供踏脚用的大石块。
Also make jump pedal . Put in shallow water, be apart is apart from certainly, cross for the person cross used large block. Plum person big wave : ligature of eyebrow of of offspringing sword of male of of unoccupied place gauze coffins bed is peddled by Sui multiplies twinkling of glucoside of be apt to of Qiao of Zheng to teach to twist! Younger sister of 〗 of damask of toad of equipment a surname n/HONNing be unworthy of the honor just one is placed to jump with large block in the brook Deng, we cross the past on carefully wherefrom block. ...
跳组词、磴组词、 豚子、玄籍、子野、波槎、分数、御朽、冒涉、陈义、严冰、主父、负侯、逼狭、枳椇、亡何、忘机、铺面、雨痕、鼎钟、郊见、跳磴、