xiǎo shǐ
意思解释:(Xiaoshi)古小官名。《周礼》春官宗伯之属,掌邦国之志、贵族世系以及礼仪等事。汉以后为尚书令史或地方官一般属吏之称。 侍从;书童。晋张翰有《周小史》诗。 称官府中供奔走的小差役。
Government-owned name. In Zhou Li for Chun Guanzong uncle belong to an official. The annals of palm nation state and aristocratic lineage. After Chinese generation, be general beadle say. ② serve Zhuang. Old times is minor and the person that lackey has money other people to children reads and do sundry. Liu You old note learning hut roll 2: Stop complain be contrary to does play be addicted to make fun of of correct Fan to go straight towards two leaning on ∈ otter of thirsty reason of of of dice of 2 fraud
小组词、史组词、 芹舍、耀锦、严敏、在涂、知经、犯斋、定形、暗淡、延累、投擿、弃命、削秩、浮漾、相经、摄固、调口、荫庇、东封、摊饭、小史、