yōu gé
意思解释:(Remote is lain between)远隔。
Of tense or of mood of auxiliary word structure. Before be being used at the verb, form substantival sex phrase. If be transitive verb, if the; of the object of the action in a sentence that this noun phrase is equivalent to a verb is an intransitive verb, the location that this noun phrase is equivalent to a verb concerning or other. Remote usage and quite, just before can be being used at verb or preposition, and ...
攸组词、隔组词、 妇侍、互辞、掩踔、元历、送怀、宏纵、宝饭、伟岸、腑冷、茈施、镂剔、仙人、阙庭、意符、法元、含楚、跨涉、惹目、显谏、攸隔、