qí mín
意思解释:(Strange civilian)谓不亲事生产之民。
It is those who establish a country with farming industry production in ancient times this, not of soil labour regular occupation civilian call strange civilian . history write down · to make the same score accurate book : Case ∈ calls of V of glue of Chang of mildew of of graceful scar vinegar! of Tao of a surname of those leek Bei be not farming labour companion, ...
奇组词、民组词、 不当、戎柄、来嘻、色智、节鄂、抗对、议蠲、启服、限末、派生、抵啎、暴慠、逃屋、刑教、小患、番户、奸权、戴气、尺薪、奇民、