
bō zhé

意思解释:(Wave dismemberment of the body)书法指右下捺笔。一说左撇曰波,右捺曰磔。 泛指书法的笔画。 借指书写。




Also make twists and turns . Right pen issueing a right-falling stroke is like calligraphy moire. Tang Taizong is calligraphy or drawing talked : Unplug dysentery of port of  of Po of  of Jian of  of Jin of  ū three! Flesh of the  that be cast aside trembles  ridge to be afraid of of Luo of Jia of mansion さ a man's cap used in ancient times the person that Fan Cao book divides a dismemberment of the body, the person that; of renown Zhang Cao is not this, but calling grass. Zheng Yuan Dai does the Wen Riguan that weigh a problem draw a grape poetic:

