yá chěn
意思解释:(Gritty)食物中夹杂着砂子,嚼起来牙齿不舒服。 比喻言语粗鄙不堪入耳。 因声音尖厉难听而引起的感觉。如以尖钉划玻璃而作声,能令人身起寒栗。
This pointing to that the tooth chews sand in that way a kind of sick feeling, compare verbal and humble: It is difficult that broadleaf plant receives Zhe to make rich anxiety wrings male Φ of of of clear Lian to break through to hold enzymatic Luo Huanche high punish of confused grand of Qia Cui! 46 · of 1063) ...
牙组词、碜组词、 杖舄、埋骨、排墙、犨鸡、申画、不言、充仞、挖苦、病床、年稼、愤结、内样、榜例、母本、县罄、煨炭、书迷、歌人、代雁、牙碜、