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意思解释:(Female parent)植株繁殖中,上一代的雌性植株。 版本上指翻印或影印时的底本。
Accept the pollen, plant that form seed or uses the method such as layering to have breed. Also weigh maternal plant. 1908 newest agriculture schoolbook roll 2: Install Piao to plant of of of discharge of bell of Shao of of Zheng of Shao of coerce of ammonia box says the choice of female parent, the 2 rate with say adult. ...
母组词、本组词、 邮轮、邛莱、形气、希腊、瓜菹、别次、杖舄、埋骨、排墙、犨鸡、申画、不言、充仞、挖苦、病床、年稼、愤结、内样、榜例、母本、