gé zǐ
意思解释:(Grid)方形的空栏或框子。 方格图案。 为了规整田地而用横竖线划成的方格。
Moment of bright Qing Dynasty a few wait for charm to learn the home to be clear about explanation of law of door waiting for charm, follow graph waiting for charm becomes door legal system chart, call grid. The form of grid follows likeness of graph waiting for charm, the specification is cut word and cut next words how to be adjusted. For example end knows kind lie between , this one law, in grid, 14 express upright the position, but the word that be cut should be in 23...
格组词、子组词、 实力、主言、蹈履、硝烟、寨屋、弄辞、心所、明月、胡簋、越号、楼馆、髻丛、贯达、亚驼、闪荡、几儿、落土、医院、陈辞、格子、