shǒu yǐn
意思解释:(Head bring)发端。
Look up; stretchy neck. Like: of of antrum of midge of end of surplus of show off of B of branny frame of every of of eye of male of of vulture of of surname of ∷ of young of ㄋ of of glutinous of Quan of " of of awl washing with watercolors calls ∷ to guide eight creek uses up plinth piece bring head, intermediate narrate in detail and proof, face end to break knot chant, word of poem of cite of all without exception. ...
首组词、引组词、 仙仙、悬户、交誉、发粉、鼻胆、测量、杂猥、下农、拘锁、洪声、狡刻、安善、扮装、沿络、末甲、蒙聋、蓬藋、燕贺、对答、首引、