bài wèi
意思解释:(Do obeisance to)拜授官职。 祭祀时行礼的位置。
[paraphrase and usage] renown measure word. 1. Metric and individual, the person: that has certain capacity Huang Huanxian a scholar / 3 guests / 10 writers / 40 presidents / a few leader / a few well-known public figures / a few elder / you guest / everybody lady / this hero / that brother
拜组词、位组词、 荡析、螫针、品致、六条、俭简、积夜、清道、惸独、定稾、解煞、玉骨、合拢、六冲、课録、朱李、次日、文彩、灵坐、蹑空、拜位、