
jiě shā

意思解释:(Solution evil spirit)旧时谓祭煞神以免除凶厄。




(1) is the same as kill . Kill. does Bai Hu connect · the five elements : The four seasons of law of of Wei of  of # of bald midge of Ren of regretful Wang Bi, gentleman after that ~ also. Zuo crest · has and : Cover of jade of ⒆ of ammoniac sparrow umbrella sincering feeling  of  of  of children's hair of  of extensive of  of  of 100 million mulberry washing with watercolors is ill! 2) ends, stanch. does · of Qi Dongye language fall celestial being : Bay Mao Beng thinks of  of curtain of benzene of artful Jia of bed of porcelain of  of Cou of room Huang Ku! Thin funny shank

