lòu xiá
意思解释:(Humble narrow)孤陋寡闻。 浅陋狭隘。
Narrow Xi á is used at narrow long and narrow come into unavoidable confrontation etc. narrow the original complex form of a simplified Chinese character. Zuo narrow a variant form of a Chinese character. [Jian Fan concerns] it is echoism word, form accord with is Piao (canine) , acoustical accord with is , original meaning is narrow, with wide wide opposite. charm of be in harmony of wide charm · : Amiable M, narrow pass . Zuo also be echoism word, form accord with is...
陋组词、狭组词、 缴驳、还海、掌徒、珍积、深省、罗绫、泉客、训誓、白木、雨幕、耕耰、兼道、落苏、方止、枭骑、迩年、述遵、歇前、愤起、陋狭、