yān shuì
意思解释:(Swallow says)指穿凿附会之说。典出《韩非子·外储说左上》:“郢人有遗燕相国书者,夜书,火不明,因谓持烛者曰'举烛',而误书'举烛'。举烛,非书意也。燕相国受书而说之,曰:'举烛者,尚明也;尚明也者,举贤而任之。'燕相白王,王大悦,国以治。”又:“先王之言,有其所为小而世意之大者,有其所为大而世意之小者……故先王有郢书,而后世多燕说。”梁启雄解引蒲阪圆曰:“世儒见古人过誉失实之事,强为之说,而欲施用以致治也,犹郢人误书'举烛',而燕人臆说以为'尚明'也。” 书名。清史官梦兰撰,一卷。列举北京一带方言,证以古训,其体裁略同恒言录。
Composing of explanations of words in ancient books. Clear Shi Menglan is written. 4. Compile Heibei dialect makes an appointment with 600, bring a book 300 kinds. With Er is elegant kind second with. Every list square language first, reoccupy traditional method of indicating the pronunciation of a Chinese character by citing another character with the same pronunciation or a traditional method of indicating the pronunciation of a Chinese character by using two other Chinese characters are made clear sound read,
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