yì xíng
意思解释:(Discuss row)谓评议其生平行事。 拟议施行。
Second reading agenda is agreed discuss buy negotiate a price of parliament of 1 make peace 2 discuss resolution to talk speaker of parliament of assemblyman of seat in a legislature of topic for discussion of discuss official business to discuss politics consult the proposal is become discuss my humble opinion the mass discussion of second a motion of 3 motion censure that reconsider and parliament discuss consult proposal resolution protests proposal
议组词、行组词、 九妃、年稔、充庭、徽网、李法、翠节、厮皂、攘抑、插口、漠泊、鹤仙、偏说、琳宫、正告、鼓书、高进、牙旷、无听、繁凑、议行、