
yǐn yì

意思解释:(Make a wing)引导扶持。语本《诗·大雅·行苇》:“黄耇台背,以引以翼。”郑玄笺:“以礼引之,以礼翼之;在前曰引,在旁曰翼。”




Hang Wei of · of poetic · elegance : Stage of full slope U is carried on the back, in order to bring with the ala. : of Zheng Xuan Jian Make of anchor of high mountain a surname of  of  of  of high mountain a surname smooth with a rake to say afore bring, say beside ala. hind because of with make a wing call guide give aid to. Tang Li Cheng is numerous star Gongbei endowed with : Stop  of Hui of  of Lv Mei of amine razor clam is noisy 5 Pi of the name of a river in Shaanxi and Henan provinces! Those my Duo M does Zhao of hold a memorial ceremony for know Zong Wen :

