
fǔ huà

意思解释:(Axe picture)宋初王全斌平定后蜀,欲乘势取云南,以图献,宋太祖鉴于唐代中衰与用兵南诏有关,以玉斧画大渡河以西曰:“此外非吾有也。”后因以“斧画”指统辖之外的疆域。




is Wang Quanbin of · of history of the Song Dynasty passed carry: ≡ of approach of alarm of  of  of scar of bed of ê of broadleaf plant of earnest of  of abb Kui Li hopes quite  Yun cangue wishs  of Jie of  of  old man straightforward advice spells  to allow discharge of  of stuffing of  of ビ gizzard cap Shan of Huo of  of  of miscellaneous Zhun of stand upright  is right dizzy Bian in addition be not me to have also. hind because of with axe is drawn point to presidential the territory beyond. bright is Shi Dali passed :

