zhòng zhì
意思解释:(Pledge again)重要的人质。古时派往别国或别处去作抵押的人,多为君王的亲属或重臣。
Guileless cautious. does history · Ma Yan pass new the Five Dynasties : By of of Γ of discharge of of of sword of フ of Wan having Xin of crisp hand stand upright enters of of Xin Xin of of ⒆ choose Gui! Hail censures Chu of Yao island Duo! Glow piling debt already of copy of idle す Yue the star has fall, be stone therefore, essence of life if stone, do not get bright, the gender is weighed character again, why be fastened belong to ...
重组词、质组词、 岨峻、瑶枝、宝録、烦弊、诘审、置议、执仇、封刀、锋石、隅席、弓弝、鞋脚、坚附、公鸡、昼时、驱掠、草料、伏彦、登即、重质、