shī mín
意思解释:(Break civilian)丧失民心。
施行奖赏过度,就会失去民心;施行刑罚过滥,人民就不会畏惧。指赏罚要有限度。语出《韩非子·饰邪》:“无功者受赏,则财匮而民望;财匮而民望,则民不尽力矣。故用赏过者失民,用刑过者民不畏。”[例] 韩非无非是在坚持恩威并施…
Applying award is excessive, can lose; of common feelings of people to apply penalty crosses excessive, people won't dread. Show rewards and punishments wants to have limit. Language piece Han Fei child does · act the role of unhealthy environmental influences that cause disease : Unplug Chang of Ling of φ aing kind of sweet grass stops ancient name for a kind of scorpion to expose to the sun money of of dispatch Lian deficients and civilian look, criterion civilian endless force. Reason is broken with the person that had admired civilian, the person that pass with punishment civilian not Wei.
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