
shī mín

意思解释:(Break civilian)丧失民心。


施行奖赏过度,就会失去民心;施行刑罚过滥,人民就不会畏惧。指赏罚要有限度。语出《韩非子·饰邪》:“无功者受赏,则财匮而民望;财匮而民望,则民不尽力矣。故用赏过者失民,用刑过者民不畏。”[例] 韩非无非是在坚持恩威并施…


Applying award is excessive, can lose; of common feelings of people to apply penalty crosses excessive, people won't dread. Show rewards and punishments wants to have limit. Language piece Han Fei child does · act the role of unhealthy environmental influences that cause disease : Unplug Chang of Ling of φ aing kind of sweet grass stops  ancient name for a kind of scorpion to expose to the sun money of of dispatch  Lian deficients and civilian look, criterion civilian endless force. Reason is broken with the person that had admired civilian, the person that pass with punishment civilian not Wei.

