mù lián
意思解释:(Eye is connected)亦作“目莲”。 [梵Maudgaly?yana]摩诃目犍连的略语。释迦牟尼十大弟子之一。传说他神通广大,能飞抵兜率天。母死,堕饿鬼道中,为救母脱离饿鬼道之苦,以神通之力亲往救之。见《初学记》卷四引《盂兰盆经》。 指目连戏。
Lian Yan of Qian of eye of Yana(of Sanskrit Maudgaly ā ) of transliteration say slightly, free translation picks beans family name. Shi Jia one of 10 big child. Brahman caste. Because can fly to bag to lead a day, with magic power the first celebrated. classics of jar orchid basin the fokelore of the talk that holds its lifesaving mother to break away from ghoul. ...
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