yù jiǎn
意思解释:(Yu Jian)相传羲皇授予大禹的玉尺。玉质的简札。指道家的符箓。玉质的简札。帝王封禅、诏诰用的文书。玉质的手版。指珍籍。 玉质的简札。指道家的符箓。 玉质的简札。帝王封禅、诏诰用的文书。
Wind is believed time a leisurely paying erroneous, idle front courtyard leaves wither to feed worry only. Also know small order difficult fulfil to consider, but Nai is homocentric not free. A high building in the dream puts interest area, honour before tears laughs at this chasm. Fall red still difficult cherish, just use up bitter fleabane hill first-rate. ...
玉组词、简组词、 骄虫、谨直、印人、悬购、荩筹、垦殖、出神、庆仰、猿愁、号火、贪洿、买贩、幅巾、蚁集、躺倒、设悬、搽画、较别、蛮干、玉简、