
guān jū

意思解释:(Close Ju)《诗·周南》篇名。为《诗经》的首篇。写一“君子”思念自己爱慕的“淑女”,希望与她成婚。是表现男女恋爱的作品。 鸟名。鱼鹰。




does the · austral poetic · week close Ju : Chang of Ang to bring up   criticizes sb's faults frankly Yong Mianxi of  of  of  of Min of thick emperor of  Qu q ! of  of our Xian Mei Ju turtledove, water bird... unripe have calm on occasion not random, often swim occasionally and not photograph be improperly familiar with. poetic foreword call close Ju , Hind the heart of the wife of a prince also. Of wind only then also, so wind the world and couple also. order of record of empress of · of book of the later Han dynasty ...

