pān yǐn
意思解释:(Climb bring)攀援。 援用;引用。 犹攀比。
Casting god vessel Jing Zhiyang, countryside of emperor of guest of vessel Cheng Xi. Gentleman multiplies towering of Long Xi dragon, I climb Long Xi dragon beard is short. Dragon beard is short, receive Jun Zhiyi, I dare be not pulled with the hand. Jun Qichen I will farmland according to, official lament gentleman does not know. Gentleman does not know...
攀组词、引组词、 斗目、天界、方钢、小桃、养强、户役、旦暮、祖贯、诈扰、斗星、训俗、铺棻、争道、官休、头套、紫薇、可欺、隔讯、国税、攀引、