
jiào jì

意思解释:(Relatively plan)计较。




(1) argue, than competence. Su Xun are 6 countries talked :  of Hui of  of crucian carp of Qiang of  of  of  of brown of じ of the larva of a tapeworm or the cercaria of a schistosome of  of  of Chu of Lai of  of Da of  of  of cereal of postscript the larva of a tapeworm or the cercaria of a schistosome shelters carve of hurry of leech of  of  of Na impossible yo handsome! of  of small hole Jiu add feel ashamed Zun oneself, not dare with ~ . (2) is compared. Du Fu person day one of:  of bead of bad news of ammoniac  ┹ thing gate of a lane Tong of  of Chinese  ā !

