
jù wù

意思解释:(Have thing)万物。 谓所备祭品。指酒牲食具等祭物。




Soldier: ā pulls А to protect value of Zhuo of humorous of brandish of  of Quan of Cong of Piao of put down of F of   arc to mire Huan of bittern of neon of  of ⑸ of annulus of locust of forge of Ω of Yi of barren of canister of urgent blessing  ! Be jealous of fragrant just し hungry captive is naughty crack the that write  husband ~ . Today Wu Anjun dies already, and the bank such as Zheng Anping. Fine general is not had inside and outside much enemy state, I is with care. ◇ should read Ying, do not read Ying. Soldier read Cu, do not read Zu. ...

