huí shǒu
意思解释:(Turn one's head)把头转向后方。 回顾。 婉辞。死亡。
Stir memory. [illustrative sentence] should one the individual's life spend: so Rate of of those protects grey Qu to raft of Rao Hao criticizes sb's faults frankly Qu! With respect to Sui the full that take an examination of impossibles Ge is thin!
回组词、首组词、 讯实、竹琴、阸限、沙钵、书床、积牒、不许、竦拔、报社、辞笔、暂寓、善宦、银带、排讦、尖刀、加厉、顺逆、口戏、伊尹、回首、