shùn nì
意思解释:(Suitable go against)顺正与邪逆。 指行星的顺行与逆行。行星朝东运动称为“顺行”,朝西运动称为“逆行”。 指风向或水流与行进方向相同或相反。
Go against: Relatively of K of Si Ku plinth is sided with same a direction. [exemple] bringing son of a feudal prince or high official is a clever heart sex originally, ti Tang talent, also had a deficit parental breeding, shi Li's Tao Rong, never just go into fine silk fabrics Xuan coltish all the way. Since on year got that bump a place difficult of access, I hope so that return to go against to arrange, high oneself and install. Install old age of old husband and wife to be being defended alone child, rather deep motherly love. (Clear · ...
顺组词、逆组词、 刺呼、昏因、衡陈、讯实、竹琴、阸限、沙钵、书床、积牒、不许、竦拔、报社、辞笔、暂寓、善宦、银带、排讦、尖刀、加厉、顺逆、