bǐ hǔ
意思解释:(Pen tiger)唐代李阳冰善作篆书,时人称为“笔虎”。
[paraphrase and usage] one, renown measure word. 1. Metric money or the thing that concern with money. Pen before can you add an adjective big : The pagoda tree is 3 Zhang / two income / brushstroke debt / once a large sum of business ∥ offer, clansman argues the custodial advantageous position of this money, still do not have this money actually. / the coal that is earning eventually, can offer that only two...
笔组词、虎组词、 盘维、山委、感刻、媿悔、辽患、遮藏、疆畎、雪云、豆花、屈伏、辩争、农岁、陆离、浑茫、削抹、野情、楚葵、处治、隅辟、笔虎、