shā zhù
意思解释:(Column of Buddhist templeput on the brakes)佛教语。指塔顶的相轮。 佛教语。指寺前的幡竿。
Chaduoluo bluff slightly. It is formerly earthy cropland meaning, turn after to point to general Buddha temple. Xuan Yingyin justice one: Bo Tiao casts aside of Tuan Suo Xu Sha of put down setting out! Bao Duan presses of act of of bandit neon senior fellow apprentice having service, not duty slight, tomorrow goes up definitely Buddhist templeput on the brakes denounces element face. Qing Wenkang is children hero passed bout: Case is Zhao of sauce of of of crock of bits of the bell that irrigate ill
刹组词、柱组词、 染逮、江涘、清靖、腾扑、历次、归鞍、霜梨、明监、肃心、逆臆、斜敧、创伤、捣鼓、纫针、中肠、兼祧、人猿、玩话、一说、刹柱、