
zhá zǐ

意思解释:(Thin pieces of wood used for writing on in ancient China child)官府中用来上奏或启事的一种文书。 古代官方公文中的下行文书。用于发指示或委职派差。 乐器名。




< renown > also make ( ) child . Feudal official writ. 1. Acting official of the Song Dynasty submits the document of character to emperor or boss achieve thing. Like: of Long of big and thick of Bu of a keeper of domestic animals of  of condition of small Dong of Hai colour  imprints punish  to receive Wo small cross of Long of Dang of  of unoccupied place  to imprint two . The Song Dynasty is the archives of ranking be issued to lower levels later. the odd current situation that witnesses 20 years the 4th:

