
qì diàn

意思解释:(Air cushion)一种可以注入空气的橡皮垫子,放在卧床病人的受压部位下缓解压力。 从气垫船底喷出的高压气流,船身即因此悬浮。




One kind can mat of infuse airy rubber. 1876 Ge Yuanxu does Shanghai swim notes roll 2: Smile of Jia of  of  of be apt to of flatter of key of Ji of ≌ of P of Sha of  of calamity of  of fraud of neon of  of  of Gui of  of ⑵ of shank of  of dam bell dispute does not have  of octogenarian of  of  Bei natrium rising abruptly come on Fei of a flat stone on iron rammer with ropes attached at the sides! ! 931 year does English-Chinese contrast is 100 families name collected : Ircushion, air cushion. air cushion also once was made steam is filled up . ...

