hè cāo
意思解释:(The crane is held)指《别鹤操》。泛指表示别离的琴曲。
Bright moon glistening white, frost wind chilly, break the limit of Yun Yixi day. Wang Kunqiu's road, cannot return in order to be the same as. Child its are abandoned grant, grant to will farmland according to. Lunar glistening white wind chilly. ...
鹤组词、操组词、 槁死、表贺、算事、香雾、新桂、优多、扫夷、讦谈、建分、精祲、眉蛾、异国、登庸、业儒、遗灵、戎弓、宗家、强伯、一钱、鹤操、