
hè xuān

意思解释:(Crane a small room)《左传·闵公二年》:“卫懿公好鹤,鹤有乘轩者。将战,国人受甲者皆曰:'使鹤!鹤实有禄位,余焉能战?'”后因以“鹤轩”比喻滥厕禄位者。 指仙车。




< renown > the left Min Gong that pass · 2 years : Unplug coal of filling  of sickly and thin wishs  child talk in one's sleep of be soiled of Xiang of alarm of  of  of sword of  of = of to fold of humorous Song  grows ' make crane! Crane fact has salary, yu Yan can battle ' hind because get salary in order to compare excessive person. Luo Dajing of · of the Song Dynasty crane Lin Yulou roll 5: Show off of ⒐ of  of  of ⅲ of glad of basketry large  is ill! Thin

