yuè qí
意思解释:(Ride more)本指由内附越人组成的骑兵。 泛指能骑善射劲勇过人的骑兵。
Chinese generation points to our country 100 more (the floorboard that archaic south jumps over a person) the person that it is cavalry, tang Dynasty points to general cavalry. are 100 officials of Chinese book · public on dear watch : Sha of crafty of garden of of chaste tree of N of bully crafty fermium! of け of Luo of thin damask green analyse uses up every civilian year 20 for arms, 60 and avoid, the person that its can ride and shoot rides to jump over. ...
越组词、骑组词、 连拱、顾惮、勖勉、乘垲、乐好、口才、暇晷、赌胆、畚插、躇足、酬谢、愁容、泮涣、朴簌、齿索、午间、施嫱、官符、顶望、越骑、